What other people say…

At ‘Bridge the Gap’, our mission is driven by collaboration, understanding, and a genuine desire to make technology more inclusive. But don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what industry leaders, collaborators, and those who’ve experienced our work firsthand have to say about our efforts.

The only limitations we have in life are the ones we choose to place upon ourselves.  Christian is living proof of this. A light in the darkness, he is an inspiration to all who know him.

Christopher Stott, Chairman and CEO Lonestar Data Holdings

Bridge the Gap is a refreshing antidote to the ‘Disability Dongle’ phenomenon. Instead of offering well-intentioned but ultimately misguided solutions, this initiative understands the importance of co-creating with the disability community. It’s not just about making technology accessible; it’s about ensuring that the voices of disabled individuals are heard in the design and development process. This is the kind of meaningful engagement that leads to real change, not just feel-good stories. I fully support their mission and look forward to seeing the impact they will undoubtedly make.

Raul Krauthausen, Disability Rights Activist

Christian and Björn are inspiring, compelling, eclectic, and engaging personalities with captivating senses of humor. They are global souls and global connectors. I have had the honor to collaborate with them on a number of initiatives.

Michael Potter, founder Geeks without Frontiers and Paradigm Ventures

Working alongside Christian and Björn on the Neurofly project was a testament to the transformative power of co-creation. Their insights and expertise were invaluable, pushing the boundaries of what we believed was possible with neurotechnology. Our shared experience at TED was not just a presentation; it was a demonstration of what can be achieved when diverse minds come together with a shared vision. ‘Bridge the Gap’ is a beacon for inclusive innovation, and I’m proud to have been a part of this journey.

Conor Russomano, founder and CEO of OpenBCI

Christian’s profound understanding of media and digital accessibility across various platforms, combined with his hands-on experience with assistive technologies, ensures his ability to lead initiatives that advocate for practical, inclusive technological solutions.

Puneet Jain, Researcher of Human-Computer-Interaction and Disability Studies

Christian lives and breathes “Bridge the Gap.” His mission to make the tech world more accessible is a worthy and important one.

Simone Ross, Tech Curator, TED Conferences